2011년 4월 5일 화요일

Something Beautiful

12I-2 Creative Writing
14th Wave Hee Gu Kang
2011. 04. 05
Something Beautiful

Softly and delicately the spring rain falls. Oaks and beech trees comprise the major portion of this forest, where wild lilies and roses smudged with dirt litters the winding earthy path that vanishes into the overgrowth beyond. Mostly it is plants, but a single pair of rabbits is huddled beneath a rather lone tree in the corner, shivering and licking the weak sunlight. Eddying air shakes the leaves of the trees and the bushes and flowers and grass as the light rain intensifies into a downpour. The rabbits scatter, soaked wet and hairs standing on end. Humid and damp, the earth beneath the animals’ rapidly leaping feet begins to bubble, and many earthworms break the crust and emerge, dancing enthusiastically, into the rain. It is no beautiful sight. Nor it is ugly. Great, it is, for the word can be both positive and negative.

Before I actually encountered it, I thought the picture was a commonplace landscape painting; a rainy forest with lots of trees and a pair of animals couldn’t have looked duller. Expecting a terrible disappointment from myself, I approached it with great caution. Artistic senses sharp, I stared at the work of art by the nameless painter, my eyes narrowing by the minute. Ugly, I thought, Mundane; I knew it. Then, unexpectedly, one of the supposed-to-be-stationary rabbits stirred and ran; the other one did, too, shortly afterward. I stared, paralyzed with wonder, as the rain actually became thicker before my eyes and earthworms emerged from the soil. Furious with myself, I rubbed my eyes fiercely, but nothing changed. Ugly though the painting might be, it was alive. Lively, vivid, and dynamic.

  Yes, I thought blankly, Here’s something beautiful.

댓글 1개:

  1. This is really cool - weird and unique and on top of all that - extremely vivid and visual. I'd almost say psychedelic prose.
    Their is an almost British proper tone to your writing, and it works really well here.

    I like weird, and this is weird. I know you don't mean "worms dancing" as in worms doing the samba or the cha cha, but I still imagined that. And the rabbits - perhaps inspired by Harry's girl with the "eyes like a hare," - interesting.

    One thing you should try doing - read the second paragraph as the first, and follow it with the first. See if it flows better. I think I liked it better like that. Either way, this is really cool. Could you find a pic like this?
